Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Split WordPress Posts into Multiple Pages

One of the tips we cited was dividing long mails into multiple pages. You can see an demonstration of how we divide our mails into two sheets or even into five sheets. After composing that item, we got a lot of inquiries from people asking us multiple inquiries. How do you divide the mails into multiple sheets? I put the <!--nextpage--> tag, but no pagination displays up. Well concern not. In this article, we will display you how to split WordPress mails into multiple sheets.

On most well-coded topics, all you have to do is paste this cipher: <!--nextpage--> while you desire the next page to start. The pagination will mechanically display up. But that might not be the case if your topic is not coded properly.
If for some reason, pagination is not displaying up after you have pasted the next sheet tags, then you would need to add the following cipher in your single.php loop.

<? php wp_link_pages(); ?>

Once you add that, then the pagination will start to display. There are some parameters for this function that you can use. The codex page for fashioning Page-Links does a good job interpreting that.


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